VAT Exemption
Golf Buggies marked with the VAT Exemption logo are available to purchase VAT free. We are the only UK Company who has certified authority from Customs and Excise to offer this facility on Golf Buggies (conditions apply).
In order to qualify for exemption, the buggy must be for your own private use and you must be able to supply ONE of the following:
1. Supply a copy of your blue "Mobility Badge".
2. Supply a letter from your GP explaining that for medical reasons, you would find it difficult to play golf without a Golf Buggy and complete a very simply declaration form.
It is not always necessary to provide this information at the point of purchase, but if it is your intention to be exempt from VAT, you must supply it within 3 months of purchase. On this basis, the VAT will not be charged but may be charged at a later date if you are then unable to provide the correct documents.
VAT exemption mainly applies to our pro range of golf buggies.
The Vat exemption is only available on the buggy and upgrades that are essential for the buggy to work. However, accessories and upgrades that are not essential are sold including VAT.
Please click the Link to print out the VAT exemption Declaration.
When you have printed it out and completed it, please post it to us at the address on our web site along with a copy of you blue badge or GP letter.
You may continue to purchase your buggy online. Please tick the option box next to the product stating " Due to medical reason you would like to purchase this item ex VAT" and select the VAT exclusive price from the drop down menu.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the VAT exemption please contact us on the telephone number at the bottom of this page and we will be happy to help.
Print out VAT Exemption form